Soporte de Greenstone

Want to learn a bit more about Greenstone? Having trouble installing or building collections? There are many sources of help for you to turn to.

Documentación Wiki de Greenstone

The Greenstone wiki is a one-stop shop for all documentation about Greenstone, including the following:

  • Release Notes Release notes are published for each new release, and include a heap of useful information such as installation instructions, important changes and bug fixes, known issues, etc.
  • Beginner Guide Guide to the basics of using the Greenstone software.
  • Greenstone Tutorials There are many Greenstone tutorials to teach you about how to build different kinds of collections.
  • Lista de Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) EL FAQ contiene una lista de preguntas comunes acerca de Greenstone, incluyendo cómo onseguir el software, la instalación y puesta en marcha de Greenstone y la construcción de colecciones
  • Documentación de Greenstone Hay varios manuales y guias que vienen con Greenstone. Este paquete suministra vínculos a trodos ellos y muchos en varios idiomas.
  • Colecciones de ejemplo documentadas Greenstone collections whose "about" page describes how they are constructed. This page gives a brief description and provides links to them.

Listas de correo de Greenstone

There are several Greenstone related mailing lists, intended primarily for discussions about the Greenstone digital library software. Active users of Greenstone should consider joining one or more of these lists and contributing to the discussions.

Note: Please consult the other information sources, particularly the wiki and mailing list archives, before posting a question to a list.

Note: You may need to subscribe to these lists before you post to them.

The following lists are run by other organisations, and are not monitored by the Greenstone team.

The following two lists are run by the Greenstone development team, and are English language lists.

Regional Support Groups

Several regional groups exist that provide support for using Greenstone:

  • African Digital Library Support Network (ADLSN) African Digital Libraries Support Network (ADLSN) is a community of African practitioners and other interested actors with a common goal of supporting the preservation and dissemination of local digital content. They work through National Centres and Support Communities in the following countries: Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
  • Greenstone Support for South Asia This support effort is undertaken by the Center for the Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kozhikode in collaboration with the Digital Library Network South Asia and the Greenstone development team in order to ensure effective promotion and support for Greenstone in South Asia.
  • Centro Nacional de Promocion de Greenstone Argentina's National Centre for the Promotion of Greenstone.
  • Arabic Greenstone blog Arabic language blog discussing Greenstone and digital library issues.

Other Resources

Cómo construir una biblioteca digital
Què es una biblioteca digital? A qué se parece? De dónde proviene la información? Cómo se pone toda junta? Por donde se empieza? Es un libro que que contesta estas preguntas de una manera simple y directa, con un fuerte sabor de "cómo hacerlo". Este libro también describe el software Greenstone

Commercial Support

Prodigio Consultores offer professional services for Greenstone in Latin America. They are major contributors to Greenstone support in Spanish.

Entrenamiento en Greenstone

A variety of organizations have run Greenstone training courses in the past, not all of which we have been involved in:

UNESCO has sponsored training courses in Bangalore (2002 and 2003), Almaty (2003), Suva (2003, with USP), Senegal (2004)
Contact Jean-Claude Dauphin

UNESCO IITE (Institute of Information Technology in Education) are planning courses in Cairo, Bangkok, Moscow
Contact Azat Khannanov

University of Pune, India by Shubhada Nagarkar

IIM Kozhikode by M.G. Sreekumar

Infomed Cuba by Gustavo Kouri

SLAIS, University of British Columbia by Edie Rasmussen

FAO and SPC Fiji by Christina Tuitubou

Digital Library conferences sometimes have Greenstone tutorials

Librarian conferences sometimes have Greenstone workshops and presentations
LITA, ALA Annual Conference, ASIST

We do not know what upcoming courses these organizations are scheduling: please contact them directly.

Alternatively, if your department/organization is willing to organise and fund a Greenstone workshop in your area, we might be able to run it (depending on what other commitments we have). We would require our air travel and basic accomodation to be paid for, and if you're feeling generous, a donation towards our research costs would be appreciated.

Self-study courses

FAO/UNESCO have developed a self-paced module entitled "Digitization and Digital Libraries" available at: or contact:

IITE have a self-study course "Digital libraries in education"
Contact Azat Khannanov

Donations and Contract Research

Greenstone is distributed free under the GNU General Public License, and will continue to be. We provide support by responding to queries on the email lists, and will continue to do this to the best of our ability - but we cannot guarantee this service, particularly with increasing traffic. For those with funds, there are further opportunities.

Want a new feature? The Greenstone research group undertakes contract research to enhance Greenstone by adding new facilities and features. Contact